GM foods neither safe nor needed, say genetic engineers This report is presented by Jeffery Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible Technology. It is being added to this site as educational information to help you make better decisions and choices in regards to the food you consume. Genetically modified crops and foods are neither safe nor necessary to feed the world, a new report by genetic engineers shows. We now have the second edition of GMO Myths and Truths,...
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What is the endocrine system? The endocrine system is the collection of glands that produce hormones that regulate metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, and mood, among other things. (1) It includes the adrenal glands, parathyroid gland, pituitary gland, and thyroid gland, as well as the ovaries, pancreas, and testes. What does your endocrine system do? The endocrine system influences how well your body...
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Here we are at the end of our 4-part “Understanding Toxicity” series. We’ve explored how to determine what your body’s reactions might be when exposed to toxins. Now we’ll take you full circle in the cycle of toxicity. Immune reactions Your immune system develops reactions to substances it’s not equipped to handle on top of the preceding phenomena. Specifically, an immune reaction is when the body produces antibodies to...
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How does a person stay away from the more than 400 different viruses that cause infection? The best way is to use antiviral herbs and foods to help your body fight back successfully and quickly. Four of my favorite antiviral “superfoods” are found in this post. This year we’ve been bombarded with news reports, signs and advertisements to jump on board the flu shot train and get the annual influenza vaccination. The only problem with this is that...
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If you have never gotten a flu shot, here’s to hoping you continue your trend. If you routinely get them, you will find natural ways to prevent the flue this year and for years to come. The infamous “flu,” also known as influenza, that everyone tries to avoid during the winter is a respiratory illness caused by flu viruses. The virus can travel from person to person in droplets from coughs or sneezes, either through the air or on your hands or other objects.In reality,...
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When you think about healthy eating, salads and green vegetables usually come to mind. But how about adding a little more variety to your plan? During the cold winter months, salads don’t help to fill you up, ground you or help you stay warm. Instead, your body needs other grounding foods, like meats and seasonal root vegetables that you can toss easily into a soup or stew or roast in the oven. Root vegetables like carrots, sweet potatoes, onions, garlic, beets and...
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