Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test

You made a great decision to participate in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Test (short version)!  It’s a great tool to learn more about yourself and how you respond to the world around you.

  • Please begin the test and answer the questions as the answers first come to you.
  • You should not spend more than 3-4 seconds per question.
  • When you are finished, click on the “submit” button at the end and it will be sent to me.
  • I will score the test and get back with you quickly.
  • If you want to learn more about your personal profile, you can purchase the book “Do What You Are” by Paul Tieger & Barbara Barrow.  Even though the test and book focuses on career change and satisfaction, they are great resources to help parents better understand family dynamics and help couples understand and communicate better with their children. But more importantly, they can help you change the way you look at yourself and others.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

  • Myers-Briggs - This system identifies the unique personality types of an individual. Basically, your thoughts, decisions, and reactions come from perception, and your perception is not random and variable but rooted in your personality. So if you understand how you see the world and your preferred ways of interacting within it, then you have the power to alter that perception. This allows you to create the future you want!


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