ADHD medication tips Medications used to treat ADD have been around for many years. But how do you know which medications work best for you or your child? It’s good to have a lot of patience when working with ADD medications, especially if other medications are also involved. Here are a few things I encourage you to consider before you begin a medication regimen. Obtain a proper assessment – Begin by talking to your primary care physician. Make certain your...
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Whenever I talk to a person who is experiencing ADHD themselves or they have an ADHD partner or child, one of my first questions is, “Do you keep a log of what’s happening and what’s not”? The answer I usually get is no. Now, after you read this blog post I want you to take away two important facts: ADHD people are “consistently inconsistent” whether they want to be or not, and No one, no matter how hard you try, can keep everything in your head! It’s exhausting, it...
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What does it mean to be aware? It involves a conscious effort to be focused, and to pay attention to the smallest of details. Being aware, or mindful, means that we become aware of every nuance of thought, feeling, sensation, reaction and experience. It’s can be a very powerful place to be, but most of us don’t allow ourselves to drink in the essence and simplicity of simply being in the moment. This is because we have to make a conscious effort and choice to stop...
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Imagine that one room in your home where you’d rather keep the door closed, than open. Behind that door is the one space in your home where you “hide” what you don’t want anyone to see. Maybe if you just leave things in there, the things inside will vanish one day. The only reason you walk inside the room is to plop something down….somewhere….anywhere….until you can get to it on another day. But what happens? That day never comes. This may be the room where you dump...
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Now that the New Year is upon us, many of you have probably announced that you have at least one, if not more resolutions that you hope to conquer before the end of the year. But what usually happens? All of your good intentions fail because of one reason—you let life get in the way. So, I’m going to share some tips on how to stop this cycle. Have you ever said to someone or yourself that you need to call someone before the end of the day, then the day slips by and in...
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