According to the latest medical theory, chronic inflammation is the root cause of almost every disease suffered by human beings. Many doctors believe persistent, low-level inflammation paves the way for chronic disease, including those we usually experience later in life, e.g. arthritis, heart and kidney disease, and cancer. As a part of our immune response system, inflammation occurs when the body is fighting germs that enter the body through a variety of ways, e.g. injury...
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As many of you know, my husband has been dealing with the effects of GERD for many years. This condition continues to be problematic for many people–and what’s worse is that the medications used to treat this condition is actually causing more harm than good. I continue to read reports that explain how antacids add to the problem of acid reflux by creating a more acidic environment in the stomach. There are other medications that can cause problems as well,...
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If you’re anything like me, the idea of going to the market is as bad as having to sit in traffic for an hour. I have the pleasure of living in an average size community, but the market closest to my house is the smallest one in Roanoke. For a creative soul like me, that drives me insane. When you have put some thought and time into creating a plan for meals and for shopping, there is no comparison! I have used these eight tips for years as I shop, and the weeks I...
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Years ago when you have questions about your health you had three options: 1) ask your family doctor; 2) ask your smartest friend for their advice; or 3) turn to the family medical guide book. All you could do was just hope for the best and weigh your options. But now with the world wide web, we have an abundance of health information at our fingertips. But now that you have the web at your disposal 24/7, do you take better care of yourself? According to a study by the Pew...
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During my 30 Days of Gratitude challenge, I’ve shared a number of things you can listen to, read and do to help you appreciate many things that life has already given you. Your bi-weekly paycheck, the steady rainfall that watered the lawn, electricity that provides juice for our internet pleasure or simply your health– these are just a few things you might take for granted daily. Yes, they are rather small things that don’t add up to winning the lottery,...
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