Understanding Toxicity 1 – Exposure

Understanding Toxicity 1 – Exposure

Welcome to this 4-part series that will walk you briefly through understanding toxins.  In this series, you will learn the rate new toxins are added to the body–the detox system’s first challenge (exposure), how the rate of toxin removal influences your overall health (detox capacity), how toxic responses get passed to future generations (genes and gene expression), and finally, how hyper-reactivity to toxins can amplify their overall effect within us (immune response).  Let’s get started.

Toxicity is your body’s response to the presence of a toxin, not necessarily how much of it you’re exposed to at one time, or how much you have accumulated in your system

Why does one person become seriously ill and suffer long-term kidney damage when they get their dental amalgams removed and replaced, a second feels under the weather for a few days and then feels fine, and a third doesn’t have any adverse reaction to the same amount of toxin exposure as the other two?

It’s because toxicity is the body’s response to a toxin, not a certain amount of exposure you’ve just had or a level that’s accumulated in the body.  We can also call this sensitivity to a given toxin.  Everyone handles toxins differently depending on four factors.

These four factors (and four sub-factors) determine what your body’s reaction is going to be if any when exposed to a given toxin:

  1. Exposure
  2. Detoxification Capacity
    • Current effective workload (or throughput).
    • Current toxic load (level of toxins in your system, or “total body burden”).
  3. Genes and gene expression
    • Genetics (speed you’re genetically programmed to detoxify).
    • Epigenetics.
  4. Immune reaction


“Exposure” is how much of a toxin you swallow, inhale, absorb through your skin, inject, or otherwise get into your system.  Multiply that by how damaging that toxin tends to be to the average person and you have the classic definition of toxicity.

In other words, exposure is the quantity of a toxin you ingest.  And our rapidly fading definition of toxicity is the amount of exposure to a toxin, times the typical amount of damage that a toxin usually causes in a person.  That’s the definition of toxicity we used before we understood the real ‘ins and outs’, as we’re just beginning to now.

Now keep in mind, toxicity is a general description.  It’s a bit of an abstraction, not a hard and fast absolute that practitioners can put a number to.

Coming up…

In part 2, Understanding Toxicity – Detoxification Capacity,  you will learn how your body stores and eliminates toxins along with three things you can do to increase your rate of detoxification.

Understanding Toxicity 2 – Detoxification Capacity
Understanding Toxicity 3 – Genes and Gene Expression
Understanding Toxicity 4 – Immune Reaction

>>  Article shared here courtesy of GutBrainSecrets.com.

Tell us what you think so far.  Will you be talking to your children to help them change the expression of genes in their children…and future children.  How will you strengthen your lineage for future generations?

RD Lee

Editor-in-Chief of GutBrainSecrets.com. Author of 6 books about the causes, effects, and solutions to gut-brain problems (Gut-Brain Secrets). Compulsive learner/researcher, copywriter, educator, and knowledge-seeker.

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