Virtually Organize Your Home Today!
Imagine that one room in your home where you’d rather keep the door closed, than open. Behind that door is the one space in your home where you “hide” what you don’t want anyone to see. Maybe if you just leave things in there, the things inside will vanish one day. The only reason you walk inside the room is to plop something down….somewhere….anywhere….until you can get to it on another day. But what happens? That day never comes.
This may be the room where you dump clothing that no longer fits, are the wrong color, or you purchased on impulse. It may be the room where you stash stuff from all around the house when you realize company is coming to visit and you forgot to put it on the calendar weeks ago. This could be that spare room that doesn’t get used by anyone anyway, so it turns into the “holding room”—and it holds anything and everything until you need it…..or forget about it….or get rid of it. Where is that magic Genie?
It could be that dark dungeon that most families have beneath their home. No, you’re not the only one! You want to use the space, but now that it’s gotten so piled with stuff, it has no other purpose or function than to simply hold things that you don’t use and may never use.
You probably hate this room. It makes you shriek every time you open the door. But it has built up for so many years that now you have no clue how to dive in and make it all go away….or at least give the room a purpose other than a holding tank.
Now, close your eyes and imagine that same room. Imagine being able to walk into it and use it the way you truly want to use it. Perhaps you’ve been wanting a room that you can walk into and sit down in a nice cozy chair to read a delicious book. You reach up and turn the light on that is placed just perfectly to your right, and pick up the book that sits on the small table beneath the light. You kick your feet up on the ottoman that stays in front of your cozy chair and snuggle up in the blanket that was laying on it. You give a sigh of relief that you have this cherished space where you can totally be you!
You look around that room and see light coming in the window, a desk where you work on finances, a bookshelf in the corner that has fiction books near the top and non-fiction books near the bottom that is intermixed with colorful accessories and baskets. You see a table with some shelving above that holds some craft supplies and a light that illuminates that space so you can work on projects that you enjoy.
Ah…. What a great room to relax, read, and create in!
Now the question you’re probably asking yourself right now is, how do I get from this dark, cluttered holding tank of a room to the space I desire? When do I find the time and where do I even begin? You can hire a professional organizer to come in and help you go through the room and clean it up in a weekend, only to see the space pile up again after time. (this is not your best choice) Or you can take your time and go step-by-step through the room. You see, you need someone who will explain how and why it got that way in the first place. Only then can you learn what you need to do to ensure you don’t make those same choices again in the future.
What habits did you create every time you set something down, and how do you change them? Are you a visual learner who needs everything where you can see it? Do you have the appropriate storage devices in your space so you can find things once you put them away? Do you have space to store things, or do you have too many things to store? What tricks can you use to locate things within seconds of walking into your space?
You also need someone who can help you understand how you can maximize your space effectively so you can take that great information and use it in other areas of your home.
You need to know how to create that perfect space you’ve always dreamed about having, that has a purpose that you have helped to design.
This truly is possible, if you want it badly enough. So far, you’ve let time, family, health, money, or other things get in the way of having that space. The question is not really, “how do I recapture the space”? The real question is “how much longer am I going to let other things get in the way of doing something about it”?
When we have to make some hard choices, you allow yourself to get sidetracked, i.e. you escape by doing things you enjoy. Making difficult choices is hard. It’s time consuming! And it certainly isn’t fun. But when you make a decision to commit to spending time being uncomfortable, then…and only then….can you create change. Being uncomfortable means that you decide to take action no matter what. You decide to not let anything or anyone get in your way. If you want to recapture that room of your dreams, then make a decision to do it. Decide to collect boxes for sorting. Call friends to help you. Call a baby sitter to watch the kids. Mark your calendar on your next day off to spend just two hours in that room. Order pizza for dinner so you don’t have to cook, and decide to do something about that space!
If you think you can create that kind of change within yourself so you can create change in your home, then let me know. I’ll help you create that mindset needed to empower you. I’ll share tips to maximize your time and supports as you de-clutter. I’ll help you give purpose and function to that space and design it to work for you. And I’ll even show you how to maintain the space so it stays beautiful.
This can be accomplished through something called Virtual Organizing.
There are different ways you can do this. One way is to work with people at their own pace. But for ADDers, it helps to create a consistent pattern and work step-by-step — it also costs less because you have more time to get things done!
We are offering the latter of the two beginning Feb. 4th and Feb. 7th 2013. There are two VO programs beginning that are the same and anyone from anywhere can participate because it’s Virtual. All you do is sign up and pay only $18 a week and we’ll have virtual time via a Webinar–1 hour each week with guidance, questions and answers. We work from photos that are sent to me. Both programs will run for about 10 weeks as we walk step-by-step through the processes.
You can sign up for either of these programs at
If you are ready to begin diving into creating your sanctuary right now, then we can help you start in no time. Make a choice to enjoy the space you live in. Life is too short to waste time allowing clutter to take over your life. Dare to dream and make that dream happen!